The Brave Little Blog

Posts about braving boss life, business and the blank page

Princess Bride movie caricatures

You’ve Got Big Buts – The 5 Things Blocking You From Starting Your Book

By Ally Berthiaume | July 5, 2023

It’s time to get rid of those BIG Buts and write your story.

Creating a Great and Mighty Pearl: How I Visualized My Reader Avatar For My Book

By Ally Berthiaume | June 12, 2023

I’ve been in Ally’s Writing Bar and Masterclass for how to write a memoir for over a year now. Last year I went through the process of identifying my ideal reader avatar for my book. Being a business owner, I understand the importance behind identifying your ideal client and how to approach it. Essentially, it is a written description of your ideal reader. This is how I came up with my ideal reader avatar.

5 Things You Want in a Great Book Coach (or Any Publishing Partner)

By Ally Berthiaume | June 5, 2023

Writing and publishing shouldn’t be done in isolation no matter what those old tropes would suggest. Here are the 5 things you want working with a great book coach.

A Neurospicy Discovery

By Ally Berthiaume | May 19, 2023

Does a late-in-life neurodiverse discovery have to change your definition of self?

The Three Pillars of Writing Foundation for Successful Written Work

By Ally Berthiaume | May 2, 2023

Every great piece begins with a strong writing foundation and this is just as true in writing.

Leslie Martinez Photo

Accepting Change and Embracing Myself During My Golden Girl Years

By Ally Berthiaume | April 10, 2023

The reflection in the mirror bares the truth. My smile lines are growing deeper, the crinkles around my eyes seem to have multiplied, and the skin on my neck is no longer as taut as it used to be. Dare I say it out loud, “I’m getting older.”

Woman Writing In Journal

Your Memoir Has the Power to Serve You and Others

By Ally Berthiaume | April 3, 2023

A book is nearly secondary to the other intrinsic gifts bestowed when writing one’s story. Memoir has the power to serve the author first, before its readers.

Are You Prepared to Walk Through Your ‘Mind Wilderness’ and Write Memoir?

By Ally Berthiaume | March 6, 2023

Take courage; your memoir is waiting on the other side.

hiking trail guide pointing out trail highlights

Prepare for the Writing Path–Pack These 7 Things in Your Backpack

By Ally Berthiaume | February 6, 2023

Prepare for the writing path by packing these seven things in your backpack.

Writing a Memoir is Like Going for a Hike in the Woods

By Ally Berthiaume | January 9, 2023

Writing a memoir is like hitting the trail and going for a hike in the woods. You need a solid map and a great guide.