The Brave Little Blog

Posts about braving boss life, business and the blank page

Bravely Write Your Book This Year. No More Excuses.

By Ally Berthiaume | January 1, 2024

There’s another twelve months on the calendar. Will you finally bravely write your book this year? And leave all your excuses behind?

Taking the Leap: How Lauren Grosz Transformed Her Life on Her 44th Birthday

By Ally Berthiaume | December 19, 2023

Startup Stories is a photography project by women in business for women in business!

Discover Breathwork Expert Megan Callus and Her Mission to Help You Heal and Find Joy in Life!

By Ally Berthiaume | December 19, 2023

Startup Stories is a photography project by women in business for women in business!

Your Story is a Unique Gift and It’s Time to Write It

By Ally Berthiaume | December 5, 2023

Your story is a unique gift to you and at least one other person who needs it. Make the time to write your memoir and help someone.

Writing Lessons I’ve Learned From the Books I’ve Written (and Coached)

By Ally Berthiaume | November 6, 2023

Gain writing wisdom, insight, and other writing lessons that I’ve learned from the books I’ve written or supported on the path to publication.

Power of First Impressions–Work with a Human Who Cares About Your Book

By Ally Berthiaume | October 2, 2023

First impressions say everything. Make sure who you work with appears human before deciding to work with them on your book.

Storytellers: Artists of the Lost Ark

By Ally Berthiaume | September 11, 2023

Determining the difference between industry crafted stories and the artful forms of genuine storytellers.

Book cover titled a Storytelling Workbook for Beginners

Five Myths About Publishing a Book Aspiring Authors Should Know

By Ally Berthiaume | September 4, 2023

Five myths about publishing a book aspiring authors should know so you can avoid common publishing pitfalls.

Princess Bride movie caricature

Don’t Climb the Cliffs of Insanity Alone if You Want Your Memoir to Survive

By Ally Berthiaume | August 7, 2023

Writing a memoir is like climbing the Cliffs of Insanity and you shouldn’t do it alone.


The Differences Between Ghostwriting and Writing for Oneself

By Ally Berthiaume | July 19, 2023

My mentor, Ally Berthiaume, has been a ghostwriter since 2018. In an episode of the podcast Living in the Next Chapter, she talks about her career. Ghostwriting has certain aspects many people don’t know about, and it affects Ally’s writing in ways people may not expect.