Hi, I'm Ally
I’m a professional writer, native Vermonter, practicing feminist, recovering middle child, wannabe superhero, and a mom who’s pretty sure I‘m getting by on the method I call “winging it”. Oh, and also, the author of Dear Universe, I Get it Now.
I’m a shoot-from-the-hip and occasional eff bomb slinger out to shake things up and change the world with an equal parts sassy and sweet way of going about it. I’m tenacious, focused, and a heart-centered champion for woman and the causes I care about. Behind the scenes there's also plenty of bloopers on my reel as a Boss, Mom, and Writer (I mean, really I’m just human like everyone else.)
If you can catch me not writing or thinking about writing, I’m probably drinking Maple Lattes, adding more books to my shelf or must-read list (after book binging at Barnes and Noble), watching The Princess Bride for the thousandth time, or solving a crime in the latest Hunt a Killer box set.
Ghostwriter, Guide, and Girlfriend with a Mission
I was 5 when I was bit by the passion for the pen and the page. I was 11 when I wrote my first memoir. I was 32 when I finally figured out how to turn my passion for writing into a living. And I was 35 when I finally pushed through my own b.s. and published my first book.
I’ve been braving the blank page and the writing path my entire life. Now I’m here to help brilliant, badass woman brave their own path to the page, to craft their story with confidence, and to believe, without a doubt, their story of grit, hope, and triumph has ridiculous power.
I’m on a mission to empower woman to share their stories not only by ghostwriting them but by guiding them to do it themselves if that is what they choose. I am a midwife for woman’s memoirs.
The Write Place, Right Time is my virtual boutique of professional writing services for coaches, creatives, and entrepreneurs ready to change the 'effin' world with their stories.
No matter how my clients work with me it comes with:
→ learning craft
→ boosting confidence
→ practicing courage
→ gaining clarity.
We’ll do it all with plenty of coffee. I am your ghostwriter, guide, and girlfriend all in one.

Masters in Writing & Hard Knocks
I have a M.F.A. in Creative Writing (nonfiction), a Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies and English Composition. My B.A. is in Creative Writing, too, and I’ve got another in Psychology. (Yeah, you can say overachiever. I’ve been one my whole life.)
My work experience (you know, before I became a Lady Boss of this show), spans community mental health, nonprofits, marketing, academic publishing, tech, and law. I leverage it all for the work I do now. You want to know how, specifically, just ask?
I’ve worked with adults with persistent mental illness, the geriatric population in assisted living centers, and woman in domestic abuse and rape shelters. I’ve stared at the underbelly of end-of-life circumstances. I’ve held space for people who believe sharks are coming out of their sink to eat them and at night dark shadowy figures show up to stab them and I’ve looked into these folks eyes and recognized this is their Truth even if I know it’s hallucination. I’ve showed up at hospitals to support woman freshly bruised, answered beeper calls in the middle of the night from concerned mothers, and sat with woman in shelters as they cried and told me horrific tales of life in their abuser’s hands.
Personally, I’ve experienced the unexpected death of my college roommate. I traveled to Australia for a semester abroad and was sexually assaulted in the first two weeks then hid it from my family for three years. I’ve been in emotionally abusive relationships. I’ve been married and divorced. I’ve had a child and I’ve miscarried. I’ve walked out of my day job and took the chance on myself.
Perhaps most importantly, I’ve written and published my own book and I’ve done it for others. I understand the process and I understand all the mental gremlins that show up to that party. I’m the author of Dear Universe, I Get it Now: Letters on the Art and Journey of Being Brave and Being Me. (I can’t give you the names of the others or that would defeat the purpose of ghosting.)
What does any of this mean to you? You can tell me anything and I won’t be surprised, I won’t be thrown off. I’ve heard shit and been through some first-hand. I know that some of what our stories are made of are the darkest moments of our life. I’ve been in the dark. And I’ve also flicked the switch and turned the light back on. I seriously get it.
I pair my compassion for people and understanding that life is messy with my writing ability, marketing chops, strategic thinking, and all the other things I’ve learned along the way.

Working with me, you get my ultimate attention and care. It’s the boutique customer care experience as if you were walking into a really expensive shop and all the floor people flock to you. Except, we are way more informal and there’s swearing involved and we can laugh as loud as we want to without getting the stank eye.
I’m focused on you, what you need, what your story needs, and making sure you understand that your story matters. I provide support in overcoming the barriers to telling your story or having your voice heard.
Working with me is confidence building + coaching + creative writing class in a one-stop-shop.
You DO have a story.
It is worth telling.
It DOES have power
I’m the right person to guide you in getting it onto the page. Whether I write it or you do.
I’m ready if you are.

My magic + superpowers = Your story bravely and authentically told
Are you a badass and brilliant woman ready to share your personal story of grit, hope and triumph with your audience and change the 'effn' world? Then no more thinking about it. You need to call in reinforcements — that’s me.
I have a superpower for hearing between the lines and capturing the voice of my clients. Womxn I have worked with report, "You got my voice so perfectly onto the page, I could hear myself." "It was like you saw into my heartbeat and put it into words."
Another piece of my magic is that I know two hearts — yours and your stories. You’ve got something you want to say, something you want to tell, but your story also has its own essence and its own spirit, and its own way of doing things. I can hear both and guide you to work together. (There’s actually a third heart in the equation, too, which is your audience, and I can help you identify who they are and recognize why knowing them is important to your work.)

time to show the world how incredible you are.
time to tell them of the journey you’ve been on.
time to write your story, speak your Truth.
time to wield your pen because your story has power.