Are You Prepared to Walk Through Your ‘Mind Wilderness’ and Write Memoir? Take courage; your memoir is waiting on the other side.
Prepare for the Writing Path–Pack These 7 Things in Your Backpack Prepare for the writing path by packing these seven things in your backpack.
Writing a Memoir is Like Going for a Hike in the Woods Writing a memoir is like hitting the trail and going for a hike in the woods. You need a solid map and a great guide.
‘Twas the Eve of a New Year When You Wrote the Book on Your Bucket List Let writing your memoir be the thing you cross off of your bucket list.
When was the Last Time You Thanked Your Messy Moments? Your messy moments are deserving of gratitude. Who would you be without them?
Be Brave Being You–It’s the Greatest Thing You’ll Ever Do Showing up as your authentic self isn’t easy, but if you can be brave and choose you, there isn’t anything that you can’t do.
Are You Paying Lip Service to Your Memoir? It’s time to stop paying lip service and talking about your memoir and take action to get your memoir written.
How Do You Know the Powerful Story You Want to Tell? While you may have lots of stories to share, remember that you’re writing a memoir, not an autobiography. Narrowing your focus to your powerful story is critical.
At the Heart of Memoir is Life’s Messes and You, But You Must Heal First What is at the heart of memoir? ‘He’ for heal first so that the ART will follow. The art is your story, your memoir.
Are You Ready to Wield Your Own Mighty Pen? Pick up your mighty pen and through the power of your words, change someone’s life; it just may be your own.