
A poem by Melissa St. Clair:

State of Maryland, Dorchester County

On her head was a bounty

Be Free or Die

Across the miles, she did fly

Following the drinking gourd in the sky

A small summary:

I share on the behalf of my friend and colleague Melissa St. Clair. Melissa and I recently went through a six-month coaching program with Lynne Hurdle-Price called On the Matter of Race where we faced our whiteness in the context of a systemically racist society.

As a part of that experience, Melissa found herself writing poetry in response to several of the prompts posed to us and the rest of our cohort throughout our work. She's now compiled them as a book of poetry and a portion of the proceeds are going to The Harriet Tubman Monument.

In Melissa's words: "It would be amazing to be in the presence of Harriet Tubman during Women’s Herstory Month. Her heroic flight to freedom from my home state of Maryland along with her lifelong commitment to helping others has left an indelible mark on my life.

I am thrilled to announce, in celebration of Harriet Tubman Day, the release of my first book: Home Work A Collection of Poems Sparked by One White Woman’s Journey on the Matter of Race."

The book is available for purchase on Amazon Kindle and paperback. Full details of the book and information on personalized orders can be found at www.paperchaserbiz.com/homework.

Featured Image by Kirt Morris on Unsplash

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