“I promise our time together will be like getting together with that bestie to talk over coffee and dive deep into all the things living inside your heart when it comes to the tale you want to tell.”
How would things change for you if you stepped into your story and owned it? Or, if you discovered you were actually the heroine (nobody else ‘saved’ you)?
I’m not saying you don’t know what you’ve been through. Of course you do. And I’m not saying other people didn’t help you along the way. I’m sure there were some side kicks and supporters.
BUT, what would it be like to look at your story through the lens as an author and have the power to rewrite the narrative, reframe the story, and rediscover the grit, hope, and triumph it took to get where you are. What would it look like to have a detailed and authentic plan, completely aligned to you, that helped you pen that story?
Sips a Latte guides you in uncovering your story and all it’s pieces, so you can finally write the book that will change the effin’ world.
It’s 1:1 coaching work over 6-months, working together to uncover your book’s heartbeat, develop its story arc, and create a detailed book outline. These three things provide the roadmap for going on to write your book with clarity, control, and confidence.

“As a first-time author, I knew the story I wanted to tell, but I was overwhelmed as to how to go about it. Ally was with me every step of the way as part teacher, coach, organizer, cheerleader, and word wizard. From our very first meeting, she put me at ease with her friendly demeanor and organizational skills, making each step of the book journey a manageable bite. Ally made all the difference in providing the details that made my story compelling and in my own voice. She is a master at helping you craft the story that you are destined to share with the world.”
-Susan Lynch, forthcoming author
Working with me collaboratively through Sips a Latte means:
- You’ll CLARIFY and crystallize your idea and uncover your book’s heartbeat so that your book becomes focused and you can say goodbye to the overwhelm of thinking everything has to be included
- You’ll develop a roadmap that has so much depth and so many details ironed out that you’ll CONFIDENTLY move forward because you know everything you possibly can about your book
- You’ll learn about manuscript development, publishing, book marketing, and more so that you’re no longer feeling dazed and confused about what the hell to do next which leads to more CONTROL over the process
You can have clarity,
confidence, and control
over your story.
My BIG MISSION AND VISION is to empower the voices of silenced and marginalized people and elevate their stories. I aim to guide folks to own their experiences, recognize that they are the heroine inside their own story, and be empowered to TELL IT and CHANGE THE EFFIN' WORLD. (We might even heal ourselves and each other in the process.)
It was mid-April of 2019. I had only left my day job 10 days prior and was officially out on my own. I flew to St. Louis to attend a Live event with other women in budding virtual businesses. The room was brimming with the excitement and exhilaration of 100ish women who had recently made the leap onto the entrepreneurial path and who had the whole world of possibility now open to them.
I had begun my business as offering copy and content writing, but I knew even then that where I started wouldn't be where I ended. I already knew I had a much bigger mission and vision for myself than writing people's monthly marketing content. I was open to being led, to being guided.
And right there, as I sat inside that room, on the edge of my seat, soaking up every tidbit of knowledge each speaker had to offer, the Universe gave me my nudge, my forward motion.
"...Thank you for hearing me and for capturing the truth behind all the things that I’ve been putting together, putting out there with you... Thank you for understanding the gravity of what I lived through and being able to articulate it in a way that grabs me and (I hope) will grab my audience...”
- P.A., Forthcoming Author
What awaits you on the other side of Sips a Latte?
By the time we are done uncovering your book’s heartbeat, mapping your story arc, and detailing your customized plan:
- You’ll be able to speak clearly about what your book is about
- You’ll understand why your story matters, the impact it can have on others, and who that audience is
- Your book will be outlined including details of how each piece serves the book as a whole
- You’ll have identified your book's place in the market
- You’ll know your publishing options
- Your next steps will be outlined
Most importantly… You’ll feel empowered by your own story, recognize yourself as the heroine, and feel so damn accomplished that you finally have a plan in place to make your book become a reality.
Just imagine you’ve written the book and…
You’re empowered by the story you’re writing
You can see the impact your story will have
You feel seen and heard in ways you didn’t before
You recognize yourself as the heroine
Your book opens up new possibilities
(For those who don't identify as woman/woman, this package is still open to open-minded, kind, loving humans no matter how they identify who can hold space for women/woman's narratives and can respect the sanctity of the space and mission to elevate their voices and stories.)
You’ll get up to 6 months working with me 1:1 complete with
Six 90-min recorded calls
Your book’s story arc
A complete book outline/proposal
A 90-min publishing consultation & conversation about your book inside your brand/business
Any and all documentation
Call recordings
Resources, exercises/worksheets
Unlimited email/Voxer support
TONS of love and laugher along the way
$7800 | 6 payments of $1300
Or….stay where you are
Never get the book written because you never get a plan in place…
Stay quiet, keeping your voice silent…
Ignore the story you have to tell and the impact you can make on others…
Continue to wishfully think that the book will somehow write itself…
"I just want to express my gratitude for you. I feel so blessed how the universe has put us together. The exercises that you give provide so much clarity. One of my greatest challenges is how to organize my thoughts. I have lots and lots of thoughts and ideas, but the organization of them all, I find very difficult. I am also grateful because whatever I share with you (and I throw a lot your way), you embrace it. You really listen. Not one piece is dismissed; you recognize the value of it and see where/how best to place or use it. Truly, you're making this whole process so enjoyable." -Marisha Horsman, Founder of Nourishing Light and forthcoming author-Marisha Horsman, Founder of Nourishing Light and forthcoming author

Ally is a shoot-from-the-hip and occasional eff bomb slinger out to shake things up and change the world with an equal parts sassy and sweet way of going about it. There's no denying she's tenacious, focused, and a heart-centered champion for women and the causes she cares about. Behind the scenes there's also plenty of bloopers on her reel as a Boss, Mom, and Writer who is really just human like everyone else.
If you’re a badass and brilliant woman ready to share your personal story of grit, hope and triumph then no more thinking about it… You need to call in reinforcements and work with her.
She has a superpower for hearing between the lines and capturing the voice of her clients. Womxn she works with report, "It was like you saw into my heartbeat and put it into words."
If you can catch her not writing or thinking about writing, she's probably drinking Maple Lattes, adding more books to her must-read list, watching The Princess Bride for the thousandth time, or solving a crime in the latest Hunt a Killer box set.